
A new approach to field modelling

Main >> Applications >> Sample problems >> Superconducting sphere

Superconducting sphere

QuickField simulation example

This is a simulation example of the superconducting sphere in an external magnetic field. Example is prepared by Professor James R. Claycomb as a part of the webinar QuickField analysis for Superconductors.

Problem Type
Axisymmetric problem of DC magnetics.

Superconducting sphere Calculate the supercurrent on the superconductor surface. Superconductor R

R = 10 cm

Calculate the supercurrent on the superconductor surface.

Uniform external magnetic field is defined by assigning a non-zero vector magnetic potential distribution on the simulation area boundary.
The superconductor could be modelled either by specifying very low value of magnetic permeability or by the boundary condition. Both cases are simulated and compared.
Tangential field strength component equals to the surface supercurrent density.

Superconducting sphere in the uniform magnetic field.
Superconducting sphere in the uniform magnetic field